Job Alert


Purpose of Position:

The Secretary shall provide the official written record of all business transacted in annual or special called meetings of the NAWCG ministry. She shall keep a written history of the activities of the ministry.

Reports to:

President, Vice President. Relates Closely with: NAWCG Board members. 

Continuing Responsibilities:

  • She shall record official minutes of business meetings of the NAWCG.
  • She shall distribute minutes to the NAWCG Board.
  • She shall be knowledgeable to recent minutes in order to find the record of any given action.
  • She shall keep a permanent record of all minutes.
  • She shall be knowledgeable of the procedures, function, format and mission of the national ministries.
  • She shall follow the position guidelines as outlined in bylaws.
  • She shall be a model of servant-leadership.

Primary Strength, Gifts, Talents Required:

She shall have knowledge of basic essentials in good writing and secretarial skills. 

Her spiritual gifts should include some of the following: administration, creative communication, discernment, encouragement, FAITH, helps, and wisdom.

Why Position is Needed:

The Secretary is a vital member of the leadership team. She keeps the written record of all action taken.

She provides a history of the activity of the NAWCG ministry. She assists the President in

correspondence and the distribution of information.

Benefits to Person Responsible:

This position provides an avenue for modeling proper secretarial skills and servant-leadership. This position also provides an opportunity to create a written legacy of service available to all those who come behind us. “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.” (Psalm 102:18)


Purpose of Position:

The Director of Education shall provide leadership in Bible studies, reading and events that promote

the spiritual formation of the NAWCG women.

Reports to:

President and NAWCG Ministry Team

Relates Closely With:

President and NAWCG Board

Continuing Responsibilities:

  • She shall be knowledgeable of the procedures, function, format and mission of the NAWCG ministries.
  • She shall promote the programming and events of the NAWCG.
  • She shall recommend programming material, study guides, books, and resources to NAWCG.
  • She shall review and oversee lessons and activities that promote spiritual formation and development.
  • She shall promote discipleship and spiritual growth.
  • She shall follow the position guidelines as outlined in the bylaws.
  • She shall keep informed of the ministry opportunities, programming and leadership development materials.
  • She shall be a model of servant-leadership.

Primary Strengths/Gifts, Talents Required:

She shall have a broad working knowledge of the ministry and the needs of the NAWCG women. Her

spiritual gifts should include some of the following: teaching, creative communication, discernment, encouragement, exhortation, FAITH, knowledge, and wisdom.

Why Position Needed:

The Director of Education is a vital member of the NAWCG Board. A successful ministry helps women

grow in their faith and become better disciples. The Director of Education is a catalyst of learning, spiritual growth and sisterhood.

Benefits to Person Responsible:

This position provides an avenue for modeling Biblical study, fellowship and servant-leadership. The Director of Education will serve knowing that she has an opportunity to encourage women toward broadening their perspective, global thinking, self-improvement, sisterhood, and discipleship.

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